Intensive residential and employment district on the north bank of the IJ
The site
The specific qualities of the site can be interpreted both, on a strategic urban scale, and an architectural. Concerning the urban development it offers the possibility to expand the development of the northern IJ-banks and complete the chain of attractors from the new filmmuseum to the existing cultural facilities in the western part of Amsterdam North. The planned slow traffic route underlines the need of a “cultural” infrastructure along the northern bank of the IJ. The creation of a contra weight to the existing structure of Silodam and the future Pontstijger, will integrate Amsterdam north in the overall urban structure. The main architectural quality is given by the existence of water in the direct proximity and the open views to central station and the industrial areas in the west.
Architectural intervention
To profit from the given site qualities, the spatial concept of the building consists of two linear building volumes, which both offer a view at the water out of each dwelling. By splitting the building into two parts and lifting them, an inner court is created, open to the water. The slow traffic route becomes an integrated part of the public space. A second additional element, carrying the working space is introduced to complete the building to a spatial web where different functions benefit from each other. The cultural areas are borderd by the projection of the “netwerk voids” on the ground level of the public space.
The main programmatic attractor, a cultural event facility, is situated directly at the water front, visible from the waterside of central station. The flexible use for cultural events and exhibitions makes it a part of the Amsterdam cultural program. The spatial confrontation of living and working supports the idea of an active urban microstructure where different programs benefit from one another.
The five different boroughs of New York built a thematic reference for the design of the inner public, cultural spaces. The perforation of the ceilings transports the urban plots of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten island, Bronx, and Queens to the site of Amsterdam North. By treating all the plots on the same scale and orientation, inhabitants and visitors get a glimpse on New York fragments in a game of shadow and light. The ground perforation in the centre of the inner court shows a water projection of the centre of Amsterdam. Here, a direct comparison between fragments of the two cities is made.
OPDRACHTGEVER: Gemeente Amsterdam | open prijsvraag LOCATIE: Amsterdam Buiksloterham ONTWERP: 2009 OMVANG: 35.000 m2